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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 667

Il padule di Fucecchio

la lunga storia di un ambiente naturale

Le tariffe idriche

aspetti fondamentali dell'impatto sul consumatore

The environmental implications of privatization

lessons for developing countries

  • Lovei, Magda

Reengaging in agricultural water management

challenges and options

  • The World Bank

Bridging troubled waters

assessing the World Bank water resources strategy

  • Pitman, George Keith

Che cos'è la biodiversità?

osserva, comprendi, proteggi

  • Paris, Mathilde

Leakage target setting

a frontier approach : final report

The German water sector

policies and experiences

International comparison of water sector

comparison of system against a background of european and economic policy

Southern european water summit

monday 12th & tuesday 13th march 2001 Ambasciatori palace hotel, Rome

Australia's urban water sector

Productivity commission inquiry report