
Titolo: Cannery Row

Autore principale: Steinbeck, John <1902-1968>

Le 3 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Cannery row

    Steinbeck, John <1902-1968> Stockhol ; London : Continental Book Company, c1946

    Serie: Zephyr books ; 78

  • Cannery row

    Steinbeck, John <1902-1968> Stockholm : The continental book company, 1946

    Serie: Zephyr books : a library of British and American authors ; 78

  • Cannery Row

    Steinbeck, John <1902-1968> London : Heinemann educational books, 1979

    Serie: The new windmill series ; 150

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-11-25T02:12:30.279Z