
Titolo: The Decameron, or Ten days entertainment of Boccaccio. Translated from the Italian. In two volumes

Titolo uniforme: Boccaccio, Giovanni <1313-1375>. Decameron

Autore principale: Boccaccio, Giovanni <1313-1375>; Boccaccio, Giovanni <1313-1375>

Edizione: The second edition corrected and improved. To which are prefixed remarks on the life and writings of Boccaccio and an advertisement by the author of Old Nick a piece of family biography &c

Pubblicazione: London : printed by J. Wright for Vernor and Hood, Denmark Court, Strand, Poultry, Longman and Rees, Paternoster Row, and Cuthell and Martin, Middle Row, Holborn, 1804

Tipo di risorsa: testo, Livello bibliografico: monografia, Lingua: eng, Paese: gb

The Decameron, or Ten days entertainment of Boccaccio. Translated from the Italian. In two volumes - Vol. 1
The Decameron, or Ten days entertainment of Boccaccio. Translated from the Italian. In two volumes - Vol. 2

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