
Titolo: On the road

Autore principale: Kerouac, Jack

Le 33 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack New York : New American library, 1958

    Serie: Signet books

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin, 1972

    Serie: Penguin twentieth century classics

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1972
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin books, 1972
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin books, 1972

    Serie: Penguin modern classics

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : B. Mondadori, c1974
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : Edizioni scolastiche Mondadori, 1974

    Serie: Scrittori contemporanei anglo-americani

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : Mondadori B., 1974
  • On the Road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : Edizioni scolastiche Mondadori, 1974
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin, 1976
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1981
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Middlesex : Penguin Books, 1983
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1985

    Serie: Penguin books

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin Books, 1985
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin Books, 1991
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1991

    Serie: Penguin twentieth-century classics

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack S.l. : Edizioni Scolastiche Bruno Mondadori, 1991
  • On the Road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin Books, 1991

    Serie: Modern classics

  • On the Road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin Books, 1991

    Serie: Penguin Fiction

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Harlow : Pearson education, 1999
  • On the Road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin, c2000
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin Books, 2001?!
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin books, 2001?

    Serie: Essential Penguin

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin books, 2008

    Serie: Penguin modern classics

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London ; New York : Penguin, 2008

    Serie: Penguin classics. Deluxe edition

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : Oscar Mondadori, 2010

    Serie: Oscar scrittori moderni

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : Oscar Mondadori, 2010

    Serie: Oscar narrativa ; 2006

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin books, 2011

    Serie: Penguin essentials

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin books, 2011
  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : Mondadori, 2012

    Serie: Numeri primi

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack London : Penguin books, 2018

    Serie: Great Kerouac

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : Mondadori, 2022

    Serie: Oscar moderni. Cult

  • On the road

    Kerouac, Jack Milano : Edizioni scolastiche B. Mondadori, c1974

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