
Titolo: The Plague

Titolo uniforme: La peste / Albert Camus

Autore principale: Camus, Albert

Le 6 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • The plague

    Camus, Albert London : Hamish Hamilton, 1948
  • The plague

    Camus, Albert New York : Knopf, 1948

    Serie: A Borzoi book

  • The plague

    Camus, Albert New York : Random house, 1948

    Serie: Modern library college ; T 69

  • The plague

    Camus, Albert Harmondsworth ; Ringwood : Penguin Books, c1960

    Serie: Penguin modern classics ; 1472

  • The plague

    Camus, Albert London : Penguin Books, 1964
  • The Plague

    Camus, Albert New York : Vintage books, 1972

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-11-25T04:35:47.322Z