
Titolo: Uncle Silas

Autore principale: Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan

Le 5 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Uncle Silas

    Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan London : Bentley, 1865
  • Uncle silas

    Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz, 1865
  • Uncle Silas

    Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan New York : Dover Publications, 1966
  • Uncle Silas

    Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan Oxford ; New York : Oxford university press, 1981

    Serie: The world's classics

  • Uncle Silas

    Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan Oxford ; New York : Oxford University, 1989

    Serie: The worldʼs classics

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