
Titolo: The works of Joseph Conrad in 20 volumes

Autore principale: Conrad, Joseph

Pubblicazione: Edinburgh ; London : John Grant, 1925

Tipo di risorsa: testo, Livello bibliografico: monografia, Lingua: eng, Paese: GB

1: Almayers folly
2: An outcast of the islandsl
3: The nigger of the Narcissus
4: Lord Jim
5: The inheritors
6: Youth
7: Romance
8: Nostromo
9: The mirror of the sea
10: The secret agent
11: A set of six
12: Under western eyes
13: 'Twixt land and sea tales
14: Chance
15: Victory
16: The shadow-line
17: The arrow of gold
18: The rescue
19: Notes on life and letters
20: The rover

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