
Titolo: The Cambridge Medieval History. Planned by J.B. Bury, edited by C.W. Previté-Orton, Z.N. Brooke. Volume VIII: The close of the Middle Ages.

Pubblicazione: Cambridge : University Press, 1959

Tipo di risorsa: testo, Livello bibliografico: monografia, Lingua: eng, Paese: IT

The Councils of Constance and Basle / W. T. Waugh.
John Hus / Kamil Krofta.
Bohemia in the Fifteenth Century / Kamil Krofta.
The Empire in the Fifteenth Century / R.G.D. Laffan.
The Papacy and Naples in the Fifteenth Century / Edward Armstrong.
Florence and North Italy, 1414-1492 / Cecilia Mary Ady.
France: the reign of Charles VII and the end of the Hundred Years' War / Joseph Calmette.
France: Louis XI / Charles Petit-Dutaillis.
The Kingdom of Burgundy or Arles from the eleventh to the fifteenth Century / Paul Fournier.
The low countries / Henri Pirenne.
England: the lancastrian Kings, 1399-1461 / K.B. Mcfarlane.
England: the yorkist Kings, 1461-1485 / C.H. Williams.
Ireland, 1315-c.1485 / Goddard H. Orpen.
Scotland, 1328-1488 / C. Sanford Terry.
Spain, 1412-1516 / Rafael Altamira.
Portugal in the Middle Ages / Edgar Prestage.
The Scandinavian Kingdoms during the fourteenth and fifteenth Centuries / Halvdan Koht.
Poland and Lithuania in the fourteenth and fifteenth Centuries / Alexander Bruce-Boswell.
Hungary, 1301-1490 / Bálint Homan.
Political theory in the later Middle Ages / Harold J. Laski.
The art of war in the fifteenth Century / Charles Oman.
Magic, witchcraft, astrology and alchemy / Lynn Thorndike.
Education in the fourteenth and fifteenth Centuries / G.R. Potter.
Painting, sculpture and the arts / W.G. Constable.
The Renaissance in Europe / Arthur A. Tilley.

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