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Risultati 160-180 di 2522

Carbon sequestration in dryland soils

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

China, multiple cropping and related crop production technology

report on an FAO/UNDP study tour to the People's Republic of China, 25 June-22 July 1979

  • FAO

China, recycling of organic wastes in agriculture

report on an FAO/UNDP study tour to the People's Republic of China 28 April-24 May 1977

  • FAO

Compendium of technologies used in the treatment of residues of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and related industries =

Compendium des technologies utilisées dan le traitement des résidus de l'agriculture, des pêches, des forêts et des industries connexes

  • Seminar on Residue Utilization (1977: Rome, Italy)

Conservation agriculture

case studies in Latin America and Africa

  • Bot, Alexandra

Conserving soil resources

European perspectives : selected papers from the First International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation

  • Rickson, R. J.

Core collections of plant genetic resources

  • International Plant Genetic Resources Institute

Cover crops for clean water

the proceedings of an international conference, West Tennessee Experiment Station, April 9-11, 1991, Jackson, Tennessee

  • Hargrove, W. L.

Crop calendars

  • FAO. Plant Production and Protection Division

Crop evapotranspiration

guidelines for computing crop water requirements

  • Allen, R. G.

Crop residue management for conservation

proceedings of a national conference, August 8-9, 1991, Lexington, Kentucky

  • Soil and Water Conservation Society (U.S.)

Crop variety improvement and its effect on productivity

the impact of international agricultural research

  • Evenson, Robert E.